Wednesday, September 19, 2007

I'm so embarrassed, I amost didn't post this...

It's my ecologicacl footprint.

This site asks a few simple questions and then shows you the impact you're having on the earth. Thinking, "how bad could I really be?" I took the quiz. Turns out pretty bad. My footprint is 41 meaning that if everyone lived like me, we would need 9 1/2 planets to support it all!

"I don't have to post this on my blog," I thought. "Who has to know?" Then I realized everyone has to know. That's the point of this blog--taking responsibility for the impact I'm making and actively trying to better it.

So here I am. 41, and hell bent on changing.

Go Planet!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

man alive.

i see what you mean.
(i also require several more planets than we have available.)

sometimes i want to take a summer or so and live in the woods. see how independent i can be economically and ecologically speaking.