Thursday, October 4, 2007

Already Failed (and it took less than 24 hours)

So you know that self-righteous blog I wrote last time? Yeah, well, it didn't even take 24 hours for me to be bucked off my high horse.

I was in an airport (more on my air travel at a later date) waiting for my flight when a guy started chatting me up (and no, he wasn't that scuzzy guy trying to pick up chicks. I've met him, and this guy wasn't him). We probably talked for 20 minutes, in which time I had numorous oportunities to be like, "and I'm a budding environmentalist. It's something I'm really passionate about and you should be too. Here's my blogspot." The closest I got was telling him about the National Geographic article I was reading on carbon emissions and how we're killin the planet (read it. also look for the article on bio fuel in the same issue Yeah. No one said it'd be easy.

Go Planet

Goodwill and I are compatable. 2nd trip: successful.
I had my first sewing lessond today. Tricky, but not impossible.

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